Redefining how we live, love and lead through the empowering lens of self-respect.

Photo of Dr. Katherine

I’m a keynote speaker, researcher and media commentator who is passionate about sharing the benefits of self-respect to help us live better lives, enjoy more connected relationships and achieve more, faster in our careers by quieting the chaos in our minds.

My research confirms that while self-esteem and confidence are important, self-respect is the true foundation for personal and professional growth. That’s why I’m oh-so passionate about learning about, leveraging and sharing the benefits of self-respect through my:

Keynotes   |   Free quiz    |    Newsletter     |    Workshops for Individuals    |    Masterclasses for Workplaces

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Take the Self-Respect Quiz

Take the quiz to get a handle on how your self-respect plays out in your life.

As a bonus, I’ll send you a FREE 21-page guide with practical tips, so you can keep digging into this on your own. P.S. It’s awesome.


I am a dog-loving, murder-documentary obsessed nerd, who uses sewing as therapy and shoes as my healthy addiction. I see the world as a paradox, and I believe I’m here to unravel this mystery through the revolutionary power of self-respect.

The monthly newsletter that unlocks the mind behind the masks we wear.

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My keynotes are honest and thought-provoking. I’m here to share the liberating benefits of self-respect in our personal and professional lives so we can pretend less and live more.


Self-Respect Revolution

From burnout and suppressed anger to fear of never being successful ‘enough’, my research shows self-respect revolutionises how we live, love and lead.


what they say


All the information you need

My insights are a combination of stories and stumbles of the past and present combined with some killer research – providing you a dose of laughter and lots of knowledge.

little dog showing confidence

Self-worth, Confidence & Self-Esteem: What’s the difference?

Is this article for you? If you're a 'knowledge is power' kinda person who loves finding ways to...
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Gut Instincts vs. Overthinking: Finding the Right Balance

In last week's article I spoke about why focusing on your outlook for 2024, rather than the...
Photo of a New Year's Resolution meme

My approach to New Year’s Resolutions (and why it works)

I know this is going to sound really, really weird but for several years my New Year's resolution...