Self-Respect Masterclasses for Workplaces

Unlocking the Minds Behind the Masks we Wear


Helping your high-achieving people-pleasers show up, speak up and step up so they can achieve more, faster. Download the brochure and learn the details including pricing and delivery options.

Mental Health

A unique approach to building healthy, resilient mindsets with self-respect so your team can show up, speak up and step up with more pride, passion and purpose. Download the brochure and learn the details including pricing and delivery options.

The Power of Self-Respect

Whether it’s going for that promotion before (you think) you’re ready or having that tough conversation that is keeping you awake at night, self-respect is the key.

self-respect model for leadership

A few nice words…

a testimonial for Dr Katherine's keynote speech

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About Your Instructor

Dr Katherine Iscoe Keynote speaker with her dog Eddie

Hiya! I’m Dr Katherine Iscoe.

soI’m a keynote speaker, author, board member, former CEO of a dual-listed public company, academic mentor and summa cum laude graduate with multiple scholarships and awards.

Despite these achievements and perceived public success, my mental health was teetering on collapse; I endured a debilitating eating disorder for over a decade, and persevered through severe depression and thoughts of suicide.

It is precisely these deeply personal experiences that fuels my area of expertise – self-respect – because at the core of my struggle for inner peace, it was a lack of self-respect that influenced my self-destructive tendencies.

And that is the core ethos of this experience – teaching the EXACT same techniques I used to get unstuck and live a life that I’m truly proud of.

I can’t wait to spend time with you and your team so you can wake up smiling and looking forward to your day ahead.

Dr Katherine xo

Get in touch

Sounds like a great experience? (It is). Send me a message and let’s make some magic happen!

Got a burning question?

I’d love to answer it for you. Send me an email here and I’ll aim to get back to you within 24 hours. Curious about the health of your self-respect? I got you covered! You can take my self-respect quiz here. Craving some inspiration? Check out my Instagram here for 60 second videos that might just be the message to help you have a better day.

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