The Self-Respect Revolution Podcast Trailer

The Self-Respect Revolution Podcast Trailer

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Hey I’m Dr Katherine Iscoe, and I’m excited to share a brand new podcast series with you! This podcast has a really simple mission – to use the untapped benefits of self-respect so you can live a happier life, have more connected relationships and become a bolder leader in your professional careers.

So, why am I talking about self-respect? Because I know exactly how it feels to live a life without it.

When I reflect back to the lowest points of my life, they always corresponded to times where I lacked self-respect. Whether I was a self-conscious, drug-addicted teenager, an undergrad with no direction, a woman lonely and having affairs for attention or an inauthentic CEO, these experiences were all connected by a single storyline that looped endlessly in my mind: I told myself I was insignificant.

That’s why I believe that self-respect is so important, because it has changed the way that I live my life, and I know it will change yours too.

So if you have a curious mind and want to be inspired, surprised but most importantly challenged, my new podcast, The Self-Respect Revolution might be exactly what you need to transform the way you live, love and lead, so your life feels aligned to who you truly are. 

As my dad always said; To thine own self be true. I love you papa. 

Subscribe now wherever you get your podcast and lock it into your favourites!

Hey I’m Dr Katherine Iscoe, and I’m excited to share a brand new podcast series with you! This podcast has a really simple mission – to use the untapped benefits of self-respect so you can live a happier life, have more connected relationships and become a bolder leader in your professional careers.

So, why am I talking about self-respect? Because I know exactly how it feels to live a life without it.

When I reflect back to the lowest points of my life, they always corresponded to times where I lacked self-respect. Whether I was a self-conscious, drug-addicted teenager, an undergrad with no direction, a woman lonely and having affairs for attention or an inauthentic CEO, these experiences were all connected by a single storyline that looped endlessly in my mind: I told myself I was insignificant.

That’s why I believe that self-respect is so important, because it has changed the way that I live my life, and I know it will change yours too.

So if you have a curious mind and want to be inspired, surprised but most importantly challenged, my new podcast, The Self-Respect Revolution might be exactly what you need to transform the way you live, love and lead, so your life feels aligned to who you truly are. 

As my dad always said; To thine own self be true. I love you papa. 

Subscribe now wherever you get your podcast and lock it into your favourites!

more episodes

S1 EP7 – What to do when nothing seems to go your way? 3 questions to consider.

When nothing seems to go your way, here’s 3 questions to get back on the journey to happiness.

S1 EP6 – Why seeking approval is holding you back: hacking the pain-pleasure balance.

Waiting for a sign to start your life? Here’s why seeking approval is holding you back.

S1 EP5 – Are you *really* being criticised? Turning hurt into happiness.

If you’ve ever felt torn between what the world expects of you and what you truly want, this episode is for you.

S1 EP4 – The truth about burnout – here’s what really happens.

If you’ve ever felt like everyone else handles burnout better than you, this episode is for you.

S1 EP3 – Doing the Inner Work & Getting Out of Your Own Way

If you’ve ever felt the weight of the world’s expectations, or felt like you’re wearing a mask, this episode is for you.

S1 EP2 – How to set and protect your boundaries (without feeling like a b!tch)

Learn how to set and protect your boundaries with confidence, clarity (and without feeling like a b!tch)

S1 EP1 – Elevate your life: The Self-Respect Revolution Begins

Discover how to elevate your life with the untapped benefits of self-respect and transform the way you live, love and lead.

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