Delivering Motivational Keynotes on Inside-out Leadership & Self-Respect

Portrait of Dr. Katherine Iscoe, expert on leadership and self-respect.

At a glance summary

  • Dr Katherine Iscoe is a leading female motivational speaker who shares the importance of self-respect in becoming better leaders from the inside out.
  • She works with organisations that want self-determined, resilient leaders who fear less and never settle for mediocre.
  • She is known for her memorable takeaways and relatable stories that deeply resonate with the people-pleaser than exist in all of us.
  • Her high-energy keynotes are best suited to open or close conferences, as they inspire audiences to drop their professional masks, cultivating genuine connections that make the event truly memorable.

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Self-respect enables leaders to confidently advocate for themselves without hesitation and showcase their achievements and skills without fear of coming across as arrogant, crucial for retaining valuable talent.

Dr. Katherine Iscoe, known for her empowering talks, speaking on stage about authenticity in leadership.
We spend our entire lives wearing masks to shield ourselves from perceived criticism or judgement by others. Yet what we often fail to realise is that our harshest critic is ourselves. We are essentially running a race against ourselves with no finish line. True leadership and authentic connections emerge when we let go of self-created barriers and embrace our genuine selves.
Our minds can trick us into believing that a feeling of doubt means that disaster looms ahead. As a result, we don’t raise our hands to speak (so we don’t say something ‘stupid’) and wait until we’re ‘ready’ to take on new challenges (so we don’t fail). But imagine if we looked at self-doubt as a sign to ‘go’ not take things ‘slow’?
Dr. Katherine Iscoe discussing self-leadership and resilience at a motivational event.
Dr. Katherine Iscoe, leadership expert, motivating a group of professionals at a business summit.
Building respectful workplaces doesn’t happen when we try to be everyone’s best friends. When we prioritise pleasing everyone, we avoid addressing conflicts and giving honest feedback, which undermines trust, increases burnout, and leads to unresolved issues that hinder organisational growth.

Trusted by

Dr Katherine Iscoe’s presentation has been one of the highlights of the Women in Energy’s inaugural end of financial year gala night in June 2024.

Anazia Farla
WIE Perth Chair, Synergy, DER Product Owner
We were so blessed to have Dr Kat at our event! The vibe she brings is magic, you can’t top having Dr Kat as your guest speaker.

Lauren Calvin
Co-Director, Women’s Fitness Academy
We were lucky enough to get Dr Katherine along as our guest speaker ... she was a real hit! Guests were asking how to get in touch with her for their events.

Brendon Layers
WA Manager and Business Development Corporate Traveller
It was incredibly uplifting and enlightening. Her insights on self-respect as the cornerstone for reshaping our lives, relationships and leadership were truly impactful.

Jackie Keppler
Marketing Manager, Access Analytic & Quorum Association
What a presentation it was! Our audience loved it! We all took away something we could action in our lives – it definitely made an impact.

Michelle Maynard​
CA, CTAPartner, Carbon Group
Dr Katherine is a true changemaker: a compelling storyteller with a vision for a more confident, connected community. We all need a dose of Katherine in our lives.

Rebecca Johnson
CEO, Type 1 Diabetes Family Centre
She captivated the room with her raw and inspiring story. It is rare to have a speaker that engages the whole room to the degree she did.

Nikki Milne
CEO, The Perth Collective PR
Dr Katherine had the whole room laughing but most importantly feeling good about themselves. I would highly recommend Katherine for any event.

Rebecca Jordan
Manager, Michael Page
I highly recommend Dr Iscoe as a passionate and engaging speaker, who uses personal and general life experiences to connect with her audience.

Geoff Mather
Group CFO, RAC of WA

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